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“Consider what God has done.” — Ecclesiastes 7:13

Inspiring Stories

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The Journey to Transformation is a process that is designed to prepare your community for divine visitation and subsequent societal transformation.

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Stories of Hope

Imagine a community where 92 percent of the population is born-again, where city jails have been closed for lack of crime, and where agricultural productivity has reach biblical proportions.

 Imagine a country set free from a demonic rebel army as the beleaguered national president dispatches praying revivalists to the frontlines on military helicopters.

 Imagine a decaying town where no child under 25 has ever seen rain; a town where desperate intercessors cry out for deliverance until a “flood of blessings” transforms them into a veritable Eden.

Imagine an island nation where literally hundreds of communities are being transformed, where incoming tribal chiefs are replacing pagan ceremonies with Davidic worship, where marine biologists are flocking to investigate instances of bleached reefs and dead mangroves being restored overnight

Imagine a hellhole referred to as “the worst town in the nation” suddenly becoming a heart warming tourist attraction; a place where unscrupulous liquor stores are transformed into churches and life-giving businesses — a process one media bureau chief calls “the most amazing story he has ever covered.”

Don't just imagine... Believe!

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From the Blog

Can America Vote Its Way To National Health? -  Intro & Part 1

A Brief Introduction
The question that forms the title of this two-part article may seem odd in light of current events. Yet the question is relevant, if for no other reason than it forces us as Christians to reflect on the potential and manner of our future deliverance. The hope and trust many believers have invested in the ballot box should not be taken lightly. It is a manifestation of deeply held beliefs about the way God has chosen to work in our society.

Can America Vote Its Way To National Health? -  Intro & Part 2

In Part 1 of this article (posted on September 8), I focused attention on the disturbing and unremitting lawlessness that is sweeping the nation. From Los Angeles to New York, from Austin to Chicago, socialist-leaning officials have aided and abetted anarchists by slashing police budgets, releasing thousands of violent criminals (many of whom have reoffended), and permitting rioters to run amok. And there is no apparent end to the madness.

15 Global Revival Dead Zones

In recent years, the power of God has transformed hundreds of communities throughout the world — including remote locations in the South Pacific, Amazon Basin, and Canadian Arctic. However, a few areas have thus far remained stubbornly resistant to the Father;s healing grace. 15 regions remain largely devoid of revival.

There is good news across the earth.

Stories of HopeGet in Touch

"These true stories of transformed
communities have changed me
and challenged me."

Tim White

"It was the Sentinel Group that challenged my long held beliefs concerning
the biblical definitions/patterns of revival."

Buddy Hicks

"The Transformations Videos have forged a path for
us as we serve our city."

Matt Stevens
New from George Otis, Jr.:

Can America Vote Its Way To National Health?

Intro & Part 1 Read Part 2